Resistbot Petition: L-O-S-E-R

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Trump “is a president who does not so much govern the country as harass it,” the WaPo board wrote in an OpEd published Friday. Vivid, kinda funny imagery, depressing reality. Another day of a death by a thousand cuts, Chinese water torture, the thing that wouldn’t leave, whatever dismal imagery that can come to mind, we’re living it. Is it too much to hope that karma is real? That Mr. Trump has finally crossed a bridge too far? The non-negotiable bridge of respect for our military? Judging from the GOP response thus far, maybe not. I guess all the many years of patriotic noise from your party was just that. Politics as usual. (When “Sully” Sullenberger forgoes his usual restraint and circumspection to raise the alarm, you might want to pay attention. He is absolutely a bonafide American hero. No loser there. No sucker.) We are suffering through the last desperate days of a lame duck presidency. He has lost the respect of our citizenry (-40% God knows why), our military, and the world. What exactly does he have left to offer in a second term? Even he doesn’t know. But he’s going, going, gone come November. We’ve had enough of his never-ending, divisive, destructive, hateful BS. In the immortal words of our current shadow president, “Who the heck does he think he is?” A loser. That’s who.

▶ Created on September 5, 2020 by Debbie

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