Resistbot Petition: Government witch hunt

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Government witch hunt

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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Sunday night and I've been pondering what your side of the aisle might think if Mr. Ruth Bader Ginsberg had been preparing an enemies list for President Obama for 18 months of his first term. An enemies list that apparently does involve a true and real deep state. Not one in the government however, but one from the fringes of conservative circles, whose main ideology apparently is paranoia and fear. From Axios I earlier read the following: "A well-connected network of conservative activists with close ties to Trump and top administration officials is quietly helping develop these "Never Trump"/pro-Trump lists, and some sent memos to Trump to shape his views, per sources with direct knowledge. Members of this network include Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and Republican Senate staffer Barbara Ledeen. The big picture: Since Trump's Senate acquittal, aides say the president has crossed a psychological line regarding what he calls the "Deep State." He feels his government — from Justice to State to Defense to Homeland Security — is filled with "snakes." H e wants them fired and replaced ASAP." Crossed a psychological line indeed. Is that what going whacko is being called these days? The article goes on to describe other outrageous attempts of vigilante justice, but the most astounding is that a wife of a Supreme Court Justice is smack dab in the middle directing traffic. When did such nonsense become the norm? Mr. Trump has been incredibly successful in one area at least. He's let all the nuts out of the can and given them a powerful platform. And validity along with it. How scary is that?

▶ Created on February 24, 2020 by Concerned Citizen

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