An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Desperate times bring out desperate measures. And it appears the Trump WH is going full bore desperate on multiple fronts. Throwing any and everything against the wall to see what might stick. Working against the country and his own administration by still trying to convince us that Covid isn’t really such a big deal. He might want to tell the new widow up the street from me. To her it’s the biggest deal in her life. Instead, what does the leader of America offer to a nation desperate for truth? A campaign of BS. Falling falling falling in the polls, in a twisted attempt to help his numbers, he retweets a thread from a far-right website saying that, in fact, only around 9000 people have died in the U.S. of Covid-19, because the rest had co-morbidities and were going to die anyway. Twitter didn’t agree and yanked it. It’s too bad that a tech company has to do the job of trying to keep the President honest. And that his own party accepts such dangerous disinformation as business as usual. The coward’s way out once again. But all these distractions will not work. The circle of accountability is getting smaller and smaller around Mr. Trump. Then there’s (another) forthcoming book from a NYT reporter revealing that in 2017 former deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein limited Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Rosenstein kept Mueller from exploring Trump’s own relationship with Russia while he was investigating Russia’s efforts to get Trump elected and Trump’s efforts to stop the inquiry. Rosenstein limited Mueller to conducting a criminal investigation and did not permit him to expand his inquiries. Rosenstein did not tell the acting Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, that he had taken an investigation of Trump himself off the table, and McCabe did not realize it had happened. Yowzer. How will you wish this one away? Someone’s got some explaining to do. Add to that...Russian troops appear to be trying to pick a fight with U.S. soldiers in northeastern Syria, the region from which the U.S. abruptly withdrew last fall. And of course crickets from the WH. (Mr. Trump probably ceded territory in Syria for a hotel in Moscow.) So Mr. Trump and his awful enablers can continue to stomp across America in their increasingly authoritarian attempts to quash the power of the people, but it’s not gonna work. He is a traitor to his country. And that will not stand. We see you all.

▶ Created on August 31, 2020 by Debbie

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