Resistbot Petition: PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I know it’s been awhile for the GOP, but if you’d like to reacquaint yourself with winning, turn on your TV. The people are winning. America is winning. Care and concern for our fellow citizens is winning. Right is winning. Everything that I believed America is, has been reconfirmed. Finally. It’s not Mr. Trump’s America. This is what fed up looks like. I attended a second peaceful protest here in my town of Mason, Texas today. Our numbers tripled since Thursday’s gathering. It was joyous. It was peaceful. It was so supported by the people who cheered, honked horns, joined us. And what prefaced this positive event? Ominous, false, threatening, posts on FB. They threatened violence. They said Antifa was busing people in, paying them $15/hr. We, their neighbors, were threatened with a Gatling gun. And they posted this hate proudly under their own names. That is what losing looks and sounds like. Similar to the scared, desperate, belligerent tweets coming from the fearless leader hiding behind his barricades. Protected by his military personnel. That is losing. And it is pathetic. This is the America that every single person you see out in the streets is rejecting. And we will reject the people who promote these attitudes when we vote in droves come November. There is no way you can say you weren’t warned. Over and over and over. You chose a different way. Against the people. Against a kinder, gentler America. And this, we will remember.

▶ Created on June 6, 2020 by Debbie

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