Resistbot Petition: COMPLICITY = DEATH

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s sadly rare these days that anyone can get me to pay attention to what’s coming out of their mouths. Or Twitter feeds. But wow, one of your folks, a Republican, just made my ears stand on end. I expect you know, or know of him. I doubt you like him. Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the Lincoln Project. I just watched him lay into the complicity of the Republican Congress in not calling out Mr. Trump about the dangers of the coronavirus. When he knew it was deadly. When you knew it was deadly. And Mr. Schmidt wondered why you weren’t at the podium on the floor of the Senate calling the president out on his concerted downplaying of the virus. When he knew better. When you knew better. So how do you respond to this? You can’t. Because he is right. And you were wrong, and you are still wrong. It was your duty, to the country, to your constituents, to speak truth to power. And you did not. And because you did not, your party will suffer, as it should, in the November election. You gambled, with the country, with the lives of our citizens. And you lost. And so did we. That’s why you will lose. Not because the election is rigged. But because you do not, will never, deserve to serve America. With 210K dead, the point is proven.

▶ Created on October 7, 2020 by Debbie

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