An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m just writing to reassure you that I, we the people, understand the import of the final report on Russian collusion/interference in our 2016 presidential election just released by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. We are not jaded. We are not shrugging because we don’t think it’s important. It’s important. It’s vitally important. But it’s not important to your half of Congress. You and yours have made it quite clear that anything else pertaining to this most serious and damaging assault against our democracy is just yesterday’s news. Get over it. So what can the citizenry do except write letters? (Oh, and vote vote vote.) But it IS today’s news. And it surely will be tomorrow’s news because it continues. And if the excuse is that the Trump campaign was so inept that they didn’t even realize that they were being used as willing pawns, well that’s even worse. That they were gleeful in getting this assistance and did not realize the severity of their actions is laughable. The goal was to win, no matter the cost, no matter the damage, no matter the insult to our country. Winning is the thing. The only thing. And to them, right now, going forward, it still is. But their actions are not and will never be winning. And neither will a president who lied to Congress with impunity. Who cheats with foreign assistance designed to divide our country. But you’re fine with that too I’m sure. What’s the big deal, right? That’s what we’re shrugging about. That you, our leaders elected to serve the country, choose not to. So, whatever.

▶ Created on August 19, 2020 by Debbie

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