Resistbot Petition: CHEATING TO WIN VIA USPS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Where to start. Why is the Trump administration being allowed to sabotage the USPS on the eve of a presidential election? An institution as old as our country, and way way way more popular than the current resident in the WH, is being knee-capped so Mr. Trump can cheat his way into a second term. Is this okay with you? To use the power of the presidency to out and out cheat, which he admitted to earlier by saying without funding they can’t do what it takes to facilitate mail-in voting. He’s just out and out owning his corruption. During a pandemic our president is taking political advantage and using the power of his office to influence and break the most important foundation of our democracy. And I guess you are okay with it, judging from the eternal, predictable, accommodating silence from your ranks. Because y’all have nothing else. Nothing but cheating to achieve your ends. You can’t help America. You can’t help the people. But you can sure help Mr. Trump cheat. This is your Republican Party. Cheaters. Hypocrites. Losers. And bad bad Americans.

▶ Created on August 13, 2020 by Debbie

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