Resistbot Petition: INCOMPETENCE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I know y’all are off fiddling somewhere while America is burning. Or maybe you’re actually on Capitol Hill pretending to care. In the meantime, today marks an important scary day for a lot of our fellow citizens. The loss of vital income. Why is $600 a week such a roadblock for your party? None of you are crying because the deficit has ballooned to a kajillion $$$ because of the recent tax cut. None of you are crying when the WH robs Peter to pay Paul for the border wall. None of you are crying when loans intended to assist small businesses survive were hijacked by fat cats undeserving of such. It must be good to have a secure, steady paycheck at this particular moment. Thank goodness that the government, (that you want to kill) is able to supply you and yours with such security. Why can’t you do the same for your fellow citizens? Why did you apparently wait until the last possible minute to work out your plan? And then get sent home because you couldn’t? With the nebulous assurance of hopefully something coming in the next few WEEKS. Or more specifically: “Facing re-election this year, McConnell also went home. At an event in Kentucky, he said: “This has been one heck of a challenge for everybody in the country. Hopefully we can come together behind some package we can agree on in the next few weeks.”” A fundraising event no doubt. Gotta get those priorities in order. And one heck of a challenge indeed. How you and yours must be suffering. This is the Republican method of governing. Delay. Deflect. Dither. Kick the can down the road until people are going hungry and thrown out on the streets. All because you think joblessness will be rewarded by $600 a week. No is always easier to say than yes. Do you need to be reminded there is a pandemic? Loss of business = loss of jobs. Closing of businesses = loss of jobs. Rampant contagion = fear of going to work = loss of jobs. Can you say Catch22? Perhaps y’all need to work on the source of the problem. Ineptness, incompetence, and dereliction from the beginning in fighting the pandemic.

▶ Created on July 25, 2020 by Debbie

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