Resistbot Petition: COVID-19

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. My last letter of the day. I just read a Politico article about why Texas has been so slow to respond to the coronavirus. It doesn't help the generalized panic to read our Governor is throwing responsibility back to local government. I live in a tiny town. I expect we're going to need some help. And this latest from my son who works in the St. David's Hospital ER in AUSTIN to close out the evening: "Yep. They test 10,000 a day in South Korea. We're testing maybe 20 in Austin. I'm sure we all have it. The question is do I have symptoms? Does it kill me?Does it kill someone I work with? When we get overwhelmed people with strokes and heart attacks are gonna die because our main concern is stopping the disease. We need the national guard to start setting up tents outside and helping us. Now. " What are you going to do for Texas?

▶ Created on March 19, 2020 by Concerned citizen

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