Resistbot Petition: LIES VS EYES

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Because we can all use it, let’s start with a joke today... “We’ve really become the health-care party — the Republican Party,” [Trump] said. Good one huh? Which leads me to today’s topic...”Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?” Example. Trump and his cronies are trying to create their own reality. They are trying to make people believe that the coronavirus is not real, that it has not killed more than 200,000 of our neighbors, that the economy is fine, that our cities are in flames, that Black Lives Matter protesters are anarchists, and that putting Democrats in office will usher in radical socialism. None of these things is true. Example. Similarly, Trump is trying to convince people that he can deploy the power of the government to remain in power even if we want him to leave, creating uncertainly and fear. By talking about it, he is willing that situation into existence. It is a lie, and we do not have to accept it. Mr. Trump refuses to say he would accept the results of the November election if not in his favor, or to a peaceful transition of power. The Senate voted unanimously yesterday to commit to the peaceful transfer of power in January. Good. But one of your own gave it even more force. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker called Trump’s suggestion that he wouldn’t leave office peacefully “appalling and outrageous.” Baker said he would to do everything in his power to defend the results of the election. “A huge part of this nation’s glory, to the extent it exists as a beacon to others, is the peaceful transfer of power based on the vote of the people of this country,” he said. Even though there is a plan to spend 300+ million of taxpayer money by the WH for propaganda to attempt to convince the American people otherwise, the vast majority of us can discern reality quite well thank you. And reality is the opposite of what we’re being fed. To think that your party, the GOP, is happy to have the American people fed such a line of deceit, counter-productive to the well-being of our people, society, and democracy, is damning. Nobody is forcing people to swallow the Republican Party fantasy. The decision to do so remains purely voluntary. So we’ll see what decision wins come November. Lies, fantasy, and malfeasance. Or hope, leadership, and reality. I know which country I’d rather live in.

▶ Created on September 26, 2020 by Debbie

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