Resistbot Petition: ACA & GOP HYPOCRITES

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Are we quite certain our President is not a foreign asset? Judging from his ongoing attempts to destroy the country, you have to wonder. Has the Manchurian Candidate actually been realized? All with the support of our democratic processes? I’m only half serious. But it does give one pause. Take the current attempt to destroy the ACA during a pandemic. A pandemic which the current administration has done its best to ignore thereby leaving the people to fend for themselves. What government does this? To try and rip away insurance coverage during a pandemic. The GOP is heartless. Your President is soulless. And the country is fed up with your attempts to destroy us in the name of rugged individualism. Especially when you and yours do nothing but struggle to hang onto the federal tit with all your might. Hypocrites.

▶ Created on June 26, 2020 by Debbie

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