Resistbot Petition: ELECTED COWARDS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Day 2 of watching one old man with undeserved power beat up on another old man armed only with moral power. What an uneven spectacle this is. The power of the American Presidency launched at a hospitalized protester via tweet. But y’all don’t want to talk about that so we won’t. Well, maybe just for a sec. I found this an interesting tidbit: “The story [that the President is promoting] came to OANN [One America News Network] from a right-wing fringe site famous for conspiracy theories. It was narrated on OANN by correspondent Kristian Rouz, a Russian native who has also worked for Sputnik, a news outlet controlled by the Kremlin.” Propaganda by President on Parade. Moving on. Rallies to commence, contrary to Mr. Trump’s own governmental guidelines. But we all know what’s more important than public health in the midst of contagion...adoration of the faithful. Or just adoration. Obviously the faithful are expendable. Mr. Trump won’t venture out of the WH to talk to the masses, but give him a protected podium in front of mindless love and he’s there. With lots of hand-sanitizer I expect. Bravado is for Twitter. All other things require protection. Speaking of. Covid cases rising across the nation and world. But we carry on, left to our own devices, to protect ourselves, or not, as we see fit. Prez has more important things to do. See above. Power to the people continues. The truism that only a citizenry taking to the streets creates change is proving true. It’s long overdue and oh so necessary. Here’s hoping it lasts. Lastly, just because: “Republicans fear that Trump’s weakened standing might jeopardize their down-ballot prospects in November. "If anything, most elected Republicans see themselves as prisoners onboard, calculating that jumping off would lead to almost certain defeat,” Bob Costa and Philip Rucker report.” This sounds like y’all consider yourselves victims. Nice try.

▶ Created on June 10, 2020 by Debbie

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