Resistbot Petition: Systemic Failure

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Systemic Failure

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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another day of sad, ridiculous, tragic, insulting, gaslighting headlines. Nothing changes except there's just more of it. We are living through an American tragedy. I am one of the lucky ones who gets to do it from her home, so it's a constantly unfolding really really bad reality show. But there's no changing the channel. I'm pretty sure the American people have learned at least one thing...we don't need a president. The one we currently have has managed to kill the idea that we have a commander-in-chief whose responsibility is to steer the ship of state. He is an anti-President. He is worse than useless. He is incompetent. He is losing it mentally more every day. Every time he opens his mouth he does more damage to the office and the country. All while insulting our intelligence with his lack of. It is a travesty. He's a travesty. And yet he continues. Why? We all know why. Half of our Congress has abdicated the responsibility they took when elected to public office. They aren't up to the job our constitution requires. They have chosen as their leader a person who could care less about their party. Or anything else that does not serve his ego. But, luckily, at that particular job you excel. “...Republican senators are privately petrified of the president using his bully pulpit against them. The president holds the Machiavellian view that it’s better to be feared than loved, and this approach has proved particularly potent with other leaders of the party he didn’t even join until 2009. “Real power is, I don’t even want to use the word, fear,” Trump told The Washington Post in 2016.” (That's pathetic. We need a bunch of young women to take all of your jobs. They have the courage you seem to have lost.) You are failing the country by enabling the craziness that is spewing from the WH. How small, how sad we are right now. Ruled, and I do mean ruled, by a bullying, cowardly, incompetent loser. And he's all yours. History's gonna see to that.

▶ Created on May 19, 2020 by Debbie

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