Resistbot Petition: COVID-19 CORRUPTION

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I'm a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another enlightening morning of headlines. Continuing corruption in our cabinet officials. Chao. Pompeo. Firing of any and all Inspectors General who might be trying to do the job of oversight they were hired to do. Quaint concept. Surely they should look to the red side of the aisle to see how they should just learn to go along to get along. The GOP has finally achieved the goal of government as business. Or vice versa. I can't say it enough. Congrats on helping destroy our system of government. But that's not my main concern today. My concern today is the view from my son who works in a hospital ER in Austin. My son who goes to work every day, scared, stressed, and brave. Who, for the first time in his 20+ year career, has had his shifts and hours cut. He is currently exploring the possibility of unemployment benefits to enable him to keep paying his rent. His of course is not the only case. Throughout his hospital system hours are being cut. Why? Because of Covid. Because of Covid our FOR-PROFIT hospitals are losing income. And because they are losing income, our front-line heroes are paying the price. What are you and yours going to do about this? A Blue Angel fly-over is a stirring symbol. But like most ways we choose to 'honor' our heroes, it's empty. A momentary self-congratulation that means nothing real. My son and his co-workers deserve the respect and thanks of our country in a meaningful way. And that means not allowing a for-profit corporation to look out solely for their bottom line. And send our front-line workers to the unemployment line, while still working. It does not work. It is egregious. And you should care.

▶ Created on May 22, 2020 by Debbie

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