Resistbot Petition: HELP DON’T HURT

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I realize being a leader in these trying times is a nightmare. So I appreciate all the genuine effort to help our state and its people survive until we find a solution to the pandemic. Our governor, though his gamble on reopening sooner than advisable did not pay off, I believe is trying to thread the needle under impossible circumstances. And I say this as a registered Democrat. Voters can discern honesty and true compassion. We can smell mendacity and spin. Losing the trust of the people you serve is devastating in times like this. So again, I commend the true, honest bi-partisan efforts to help Texas. However, the current, nationalized words of our Lt. Governor are outrageous. He and his ilk are the problem in our current status as a Covid epicenter. We need leaders who will acknowledge and heed advise of our medical experts. Especially those who lead in the trust factor. Dr. Fauci specifically. Just another instance that makes Texas look like uninformed, cranky deniers of science. Voters pay attention to such talk. Texas is trending bluer for a reason. Y’all need to get on the right side of history in this fight to save Texas. Don’t be part of the problem. And please take the microphone away from our resident nuts.

▶ Created on July 1, 2020 by Debbie

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