Resistbot Petition: CRAZY TALK

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Oh good grief. I see Mr. Trump is up to his usual reasonable, reality-based response to a better-than-expected jobs report. Yay. 13.3% unemployment. I calculate that to be only 30+ million unemployed now? And 108,000 dead. We seem to be forgetting daily about the pandemic we still live with, and fear. But it’s a good day. So says our presidential prophet. And since he’s certain George Floyd is looking down approving of Mr. Trump and his fabulous job with the economy, all the folks I’m currently watching in the streets across the nation, should just go home. All is well. Your President has won the battle. Insensitive, tone-deaf, oblivious man. Entitled man. Holed up in the WH, which has been turned into a one-man bunker. If anyone thinks our President barricaded behind ever-increasing protection from peaceful protests is a sign of strength, I guess I don’t understand the definition. The man needs to stop crowing about things he had no part in improving and maybe focus on things he could actually improve. Like the current state of our civil society. Absolutely no one believes that will ever happen. He only makes things worse. He’s incapable of human emotion. But I do revel in the knowledge that he is totally uniting the country, as I always knew he would, against HIM. 151 days till November 3.

▶ Created on June 5, 2020 by Debbie

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