Resistbot Petition: COVID CRAZY TALK

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Sycophantic babble. Just heard on the nightly news. Referring to VP Pence and his head-twirling spin at today’s coronavirus briefing. You would think over the last two months since the last briefing, and after so many states, including our own, are experiencing such bad spikes in cases that even we, Texas, home of the reddest of the red supporters of our current prez, are slowing things down in fear—that some acknowledgement of reality would occur. Well, you would be wrong. And no one really thought that would happen anyway. (But thank goodness for Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx who continue to swim upstream in doing their best to refute the crazy crap spouted by our leaders. I don’t know how they persevere) Instead, things are great, all states reopening safely, curve is flattened, all due to the heroic efforts of Mr. Trump. And where was our fearless leader? Not at the briefing talking about arguably the most devastating event of our lifetimes. Oh no he was busily composing a tweet bringing the wrath of his office down on those who would dare to deface monuments to the Confederacy. Or as he likes to put it, ‘Our heritage.’ A Queens Yankee. Ridiculous man. I think someone needs to tell Baghdad Bob, I mean Mr. Pence, that the palace doors are about to be broken down and he might want to make a break for it. The depths that people will go to save their political careers is breathtaking. And pathetic.

▶ Created on June 26, 2020 by Debbie

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