Resistbot Petition: TRUMP CORRUPTION CON’T

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. As hard as it is to drag myself away from the current shiny bauble of the Trump Tulsa Trainwreck, the current headline grabber is even more interesting, i.e. concerning. And a much more serious indicator of the continuing corruption of our current President. This is a situation that you should pay attention to. That you are required to pay attention to. That you should WANT to pay attention to. The President and his DOJ consigliere are attempting to oust a powerful SDNY U.S. Attorney (Geoffrey Berman) responsible for investigations potentially harmful to Mr. Trump and his numerous barnacles. And to replace him with a former Deutsche Bank(!) official with no prosecutorial experience. Using a Friday night news dump to lie about the resignation of Mr. Berman seems amateurish. Especially since Mr. Barr must have realized Mr. Berman wouldn’t go quietly. I expect this story won’t go quietly either. Just how much blatant, obvious, intentional, flagrant, in-your-face corruption can you and yours accept? Obviously there’s something huge coming down the pike in the SDNY that the Trump administration is trying to quash. Are you, and we, just going to watch it happen? And shrug? If so, it’s good to be King. It’s surprising how easy it was/is to topple the concept of America when half the government is complicit in the downfall. Easy peasy. And not a shot was fired. Except at the heart of Democracy.

▶ Created on June 20, 2020 by Debbie

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