An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I don’t know which is most disconcerting: the blatant hoodwinking exhibited at the RNC over the past few nights, or that it actually works on a large segment of our citizenry. I’m afraid this is the current normal. We have a generation raised on reality TV, in thrall to celebrity, willing to follow the most shallow and/or crazy conspiracy theories imaginable, and believing and idolizing a man that could care less about them and their problems, but is oh so good at appealing to their basest instincts and fears. That is what really depresses me. And makes me afraid for the country. When there is even a remote possibility of four more years of what we have endured over the past four, that’s an unbelievable scenario. But as we know, we get the government we deserve so maybe it’s all as it should be. Anyway. If the vision of America that has been presented over the past nights is really the vision of America that we want, that is unbelievably sad. But it’s a vision that I don’t understand why anyone would choose to live. It seems so dark, so afraid, so aggrieved, so unwelcoming, and so so mean spirited. What kind of person would choose such darkness? “A million years ago, during the George W. Bush administration, a White House official dismissively told journalist Ron Suskind that people like Suskind lived in “the reality-based community,” meaning that they believed solutions to the nation’s problems came from studying reality and finding answers. “That's not the way the world really works anymore,” the official told Suskind. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality…. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”” America. An illusion of our own making. I always thought it was a good vision. A kind vision. A welcoming vision. A strong vision. But that’s antiquated. And I know politics is a dirty game. But what we’re seeing right now is beyond dirty pool. It’s destruction. It’s casting doubt and aspersions and frightening scenarios on the systems and social and moral norms that make our society function. That allow us to live together as one united nation. We are a Democracy. A Republic. We are not designed to be used to further the fortunes of one man and his family. And all of his enablers, and all of those who have hopped on the wrong bandwagon deserve, and hopefully will get, history’s condemnation. Onward to November. And the strong hope that America ultimately knows what’s good for her.

▶ Created on August 27, 2020 by Debbie

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