An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Because I, like a lot of America right now, are trying to fill the day (if we’re not buying that ‘all is well, don’t worry, be happy so are still lying low in Covid confinement) by being offended, and because no opinion deserves to be unsaid, I’m writing my elected officials. Mr. Trump is particularly offending me right now. Offending me with his ignorance cloaked in the delusion of intelligence. In the space of hours, we’ve heard the virus is dying out, Juneteenth is famous now because of him, the Supreme Court doesn’t like him, people wearing masks are doing it to spite him, China may have spread Covid-19 deliberately to tank our economy, increased virus testing is making us look bad, and on and on and on. Oh, and he would be fine with Ivanka joining his faithful down in the upcoming rally mosh pit. Thanks daddy. I feel my brain shrinking just writing this letter. I’m offended that we all have to keep being accosted by the asinine blather that comes out every time he opens his mouth. And we’re expected to swallow it hook, line and sinker. I don’t know who’s stupider right now. Our president or we the people forced to listen. I don’t remember us ever having a president that tried so actively to lower our collective bar, rather than raise it. It’s a strange way to try and win re-election. 138 days until November 3. Lord help us all.

▶ Created on June 19, 2020 by Debbie

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