Resistbot Petition: GOP FAILURE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Okay, let me get this straight. Because Twitter decided to care a little bit about country over BS and has begun a tepid fact-checking of our President, the full-force of Fox News, right wing pundits, on-line trolls, and even Mr. Trump’s folks in the WH have directed the full force of their righteous fury on some hapless Twitter employee. Who apparently is not even responsible. I wish y’all could step back from the precipice to realize how tragically wrong this is. How damaging this is. How this reeks of a totalitarian regime in action. A regime with no checks on any actions they care to take on an American citizen. Anything and anyone is fair game. A cartel of bullies. Urged on by the man at the Resolute Desk. All this because our President lies. And lies. And puts it out in the universe, and no one in his party who could and should finally say, ‘Enough sir, enough,’ will. So it’s left to others to try and keep some semblance of civil behavior. To try and get the President of the United States to at the very least, not lie. 100,000 dead and climbing. And what is your President doing? Anything but his job. And what is half of the Congress doing? Anything he wants them to. Trust me. Silence is approval. Silence is complicity. Silence is going to seal your doom.

▶ Created on May 28, 2020 by Debbie

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