An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Celebrating the 4th of July, a celebration of freedom, seems much less free right now. Our country is curtailed, in limbo, confused, upset, divided, horrified...I can go on and on. But who doesn’t know that. We’re all in this together. As a country. As a people. As a nation. But it’s so sad that our government has failed us so monumentally. We are, for now, the greatest country on earth. We have, or I should say, had it all. We could have prevailed over this virus. We had the smarts. We had the will. We had the resources. We had the warning. What we did not have is an administration, voted in to lead and protect the American people, willing to use the vast resources of our nation. Instead, political decisions were made, denial rooted in fantasy won the day, our president chose to ignore the whole thing in favor of his own mandated version of the future. He was wrong. And he took the country down with him. Now I read that after the evolving litany of fantastical thinking, wrong-headed predictions, denial of science, denial of common sense, denial of what he could see with his own eyes, the current strategy to come out of the WH will be “Learn to live with it.” Guess what? We figured that out months ago when we saw our government was throwing us to the wolves. I mean Covid-19. This is what governmental capitulation, dereliction of all duty, and incompetence once unimaginable in America looks like. I don’t think the new marketing is going to work, but y’all have at it. It can’t go any worse than what we’ve had so far. Oh. And here’s hoping Mr. Trump doesn’t burn down Mt. Rushmore this evening. That would be some kind of sign from the gods you might want to pay attention to. Silly, silly, desperate man.

▶ Created on July 3, 2020 by Debbie

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