Resistbot Petition: MEMORIAL DAY VS MR. TRUMP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Memorial Day 2020. A day to honor. A day to look at America’s past, present, and future. A day to give thanks for all that we have. And all that we were given because of the sacrifices of so many, given for their belief in a greater good. Words are inadequate. But the respect and gratitude is true and honest. So how does our President, possessor of the highest, most respected office in the land, choose to spend this solemn day? Reflecting? Honoring? Feeling humble and thankful? Oh sure. He’s so desperate I’m beginning to feel silly even caring about the increasingly unstable lengths he is going to in his attempt to seem relevant. Or at least to keep the spotlight on his ego. Since it’s impossible for him to get attention from the good he does (non-existent) he’s figured out crazy is the most surefire way to go. At which he excels. By intention or insanity, does it really matter? His tweets today are low. Childish. Immature. Thuggish. Degrading. Nonsensical. But mostly ridiculous. Laughable. How did we come to this? When did lying, bullying, ignorance, and whining become our most admired traits? Lastly, I do agree with Mr. Trump on one thing though. You should open up the Republican convention in NC. Fill it wall-to-wall with happy MAGA fans. And put the prez right in the middle of them all. For once, let him put his money where his mouth is. Give the man what he wants. Don’t stop now.

▶ Created on May 25, 2020 by Debbie

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