Resistbot Petition: MR. TRUMP VS COVID

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Woke up to blaring headlines about the First Couple testing positive for Covid. That’s like announcing, with stunned shock, that the sun came up today. What did anyone expect would happen? I’m really trying to muster any reaction other than ‘meh.’ “But as coronavirus victims go, Donald Trump is as far from innocent as you can get. He and his supporters may wish to treat his positive test as a national tragedy for which we can express no thought other than a prayer for his recovery, a kind of mini-9/11. The truth is that Trump is deeply culpable not only for the national response to the pandemic but his own condition.” You reap what you sow? Karma? Hubris? All of the above? The #1 trending news story this a.m. on my news feed : “Rashida Jones: I didn’t know if I was coming or going” Guess I’m not the only one experiencing a lack of concerned shock. Call me callous. Tell me I’m going to hell. But please don’t try to convince me this is anything other than karmic justice. Mr. Trump will receive from me exactly what he has given the 200K+ Americans dead from is what it is.

▶ Created on October 2, 2020 by Debbie

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