An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I have one simple question. Is the GOP okay with their president, their candidate for four more years to lead America, okay with this same person deceiving, obfuscating, denying, misleading, and lying about the true state of Covid in this country? We the people do not believe anything that comes out of Trump’s WH regarding the pandemic. He has corrupted, bullied, manipulated, and coerced our government experts to do things they know are misleading. When does this cross over into criminality? It is not okay for our President to not look out for and protect the country he was elected to lead. It is not okay to do all this for the sole purpose of getting himself re-elected. It is not okay. It is wrong. We deserve better than this. You should be brave and do the right thing. You know his behavior is wrong. You know it is killing our citizens. The misinformation presented as policy is criminal. You can be the good guys. You can help the people you represent. You can try and make sure we get the truth. Why don’t you?

▶ Created on August 27, 2020 by Debbie

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