Resistbot Petition: COVID DERELICTION

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Watching the nightly news. Watching an escalating of alarm bells across the board. And watching Mr. Trump continue in his deluded disavowal that there’s even a problem. Oh, and what a good job he’s doing. (It could have been millions dead without me. You’re welcome.) 137K+ American dead. Leading the world in confirmed cases. More every day. Hospitals overwhelmed. Front line medical workers desperate. And what do we get from our leaders? Mixed messages. No coherent plan. No national strategy. No cohesion. No plan. Just go to work. Send kids to school. Don’t listen to the science. It’s over-hyped. It’s a hoax. It’s a liberal plot. We’re doing great. The best one is that it’s all being overblown to hurt the president. What an ego. Oh. But we did get to see the photo op of the president and his minions stalking solemnly down a hallway, all masked. And what praise that engendered. You’d think he had done something that the rest of us with smarts have been doing for quite awhile. Yay for him. He really should be re-elected just for that one act. The country is not okay. Not happy. When he going to start being a leader? Or more likely, when will y’all start your GOP revolt against this deliberate, destructive dereliction? We’re waiting. Dying and waiting.

▶ Created on July 13, 2020 by Debbie

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