Resistbot Petition: GOP = CHEATERS

An open letter to State Governors


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I generally save my criticism for my federal elected officials, but after reading an article in the NYT outlining how YOU, not Washington, has decided to limit ballot drop off boxes in Texas to one per county, I feel compelled to write to you too. How are you justifying this action as a security measure? There has been no evidence that voting by mail in or drop off ballot will be an issue. The only megaphone blaring about it being an issue is coming from the WH. And we, the people know Mr. Trump lacks credibility on every issue. You’re doing his dirty work for him. This is an action based on fear. But not fear of election tampering. It’s fear of the election outcome. Plain and simple. I used to be an Independent. But the past four years has shown me there is only one party worthy to lead the country right now. And it’s not the GOP. Texans can’t get a mail in ballot unless we’re old or have some really good reason. Even though we’re in a pandemic (leading in Covid hospitalizations) and should be spending less time in line voting, not more. Then you get rid of straight party voting. Even though we’re in a pandemic (leading in Covid hospitalizations) and should be spending less time in line voting, not more. It needed saying twice. Now you add this heinous action to the mix. History will not look kindly on this attempt to suppress the vote. And it absolutely will not work. We the people are POed and there ain’t nothing you and yours can do to make sure we get to the polls more than this sort of action. So, thank you for your Get Out the Vote campaign. It’s gonna work big time.

▶ Created on October 1, 2020 by Debbie

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