Resistbot Petition: LIES & CORRUPTION

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. While awaiting the Trump Show to start tonight, there is already a plethora of greasy, sleazy topics to choose from in the news. Russian investigation not going away, no matter the desperate attempts to change the subject. And now we learn that Jared Kushner, who after all, could not even get a security clearance until Trump overruled authorities-- has been using a secret back channel to communicate with a Putin representative. According to the Daily Beast story, Steve Bannon, who was arrested on Friday by the acting U.S. Attorney at the Southern District of New York and so now has an excellent reason to flip, knew all about it. Talk about a big shoe about to drop. Dr. Trump once again trying to promote a miracle cure devoid of solid scientific data. We all want advances on the Covid front, but is anyone going to trust the same man who thought injecting bleach might be a good cleansing cure for the virus? Once a huckster, always a huckster. You want a cure, I’ll give you a cure. Nothing matters to him except a November win. Nothing. Lying about Democrats wanting to get rid of God. He tweeted: “Happy Sunday! We want GOD!” And then he went golfing. He thinks his base is stupid. The GOP just announced there is no 2020 platform this year other than to reassert ‘the Party’s strong support of President Donald Trump and his Administration.’ And he thinks you are too. Or rather, he knows you’re too scared to argue. Lastly, Trump tweeted that “Mail Drop Boxes… are a voter security disaster,” that are “not Covid sanitized.” Twitter slapped a warning on it: “This tweet violated the Twitter rules about civic and election integrity.” I qualify for a mail-in ballot because I am over 65. But I refuse to vote by mail, not because I don’t trust the system, but because I do not trust the Trump administration not to cheat their way back into the WH. So I will be voting in person, early, hoping at the same time to avoid contagion. We just had our first Covid death in Mason where I live. Thank you and your President for all of that and much, much more. Past, present, and future.

▶ Created on August 24, 2020 by Debbie

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