An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today in Mason, Texas, population 2,100+, I was part of a protest. I and a surprising number of my friends and neighbors. We had signs. We had enthusiasm. And most importantly, we had right on our side. We held our signs asking for peace. Justice. Mercy. For people to just Care. No radicalism. No looting. No mayhem. Just We the People exercising our civil rights. And our civic duty. The sheriff circled. The county judge circled. I expect from all the ominous warnings on FB about Antifa being bused to small towns, they were wary. Of a bunch of retirees. But the reception we got, much to all our amazements, was so positive. So human. So Texan. Young people brought us water. Restaurant workers sent us ice tea. The square was alive with honking, thumbs up, cheering us on. And a group of young people showed up with their quickly made signs to join us. And yes, we, and they, all live in Mason. There were virtually no taunts. I counted four over the course of the time I was there. ‘Go somewhere else!’ Why don’t you protest when white people die?’ ‘Get a job!’ And the lady who drove slowly past us with her MAGA sticker prominently displayed. Now seriously, which Texas would you rather live in? I found the one I want to live in today in my small town. And I am so proud.

▶ Created on June 4, 2020 by Debbie

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