Resistbot Petition: COVID-19 incompetence

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

COVID-19 incompetence

4 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Thank goodness for reruns of The Office. Watching an incompetent TV buffoon try to run a business is at least funny. Not depressing. Not dangerous. Not destructive. Not our current reality. Could any of you please tell me anything, anything at all, that the current administration has managed to do successfully during the Covid pandemic? Actions have been haphazard. Coordination is a joke. Assistance has been prioritized by political fealty. Confusion has been constantly sowed. Misinformation is the new standard for communication. Any positive accomplishments are plagued by the incompetence of execution. If we had real leadership, leadership that was focused on something other than Mr. Trump's Quixotic-quest for reelection, what a different picture we might all be looking at. Instead, we have states reopening willy-nilly even though, as exhibited in Texas, coronavirus is growing. 93K+ plus dead and growing = still winning? It's governance by 'What's the best plan of action, what makes sense for the American people and the country both? Okay good, let's do the opposite of that." And call it done. Mr. Trump needs to be controlled. And the people who could do that are sitting on their hands. Looking the other way. Hoping that he will just go away I guess before they have to actually do their job of any type of oversight. Just let him wreak havoc with our republic, because you and yours are moral cowards. And put party over country. No limp justification on your part can change that perception. To paraphrase a br illiant tweet from the female Secretary-of-State from Michigan, who succinctly put our ignorant, bullying, sorry excuse for a president in his place, I also have a name. And this name is going to vote as many Republicans out of office in November as possible. And no amount of intimidation by the president, your party, or Covid-19 is going to stop that. Oh, and best of luck with your fundraising for Mr. Trump's re-election campaign. Guess you're not so special after all.

▶ Created on May 21, 2020 by Debbie

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