Resistbot Petition: AMERICAN CARNAGE TAKE 2

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The 4th of July. A traditional day of celebrating America. A day of common sharing of pride. A day that unites us all as Americans. But not today. Today we watched a president demonize and threaten other Americans. He said nothing uplifting. Nothing uniting. Nothing to demonstrate the pride the day should invoke. Nothing kind. Instead full-blown hate was on display. From the presidential podium. Out of the mouth of the president of ALL America. But he does not consider himself such. In his mind, he is president of those who adore him. Give him that and he’s behind you. Until he’s not. Demonstrate any semblance of democracy-in-action, such as protests against police brutality, then you are an enemy of the state and will be treated as such. Who does that remind you of? Not America. Or not the America of pre-Trump.. Mr. Trump’s vision of America is unrecognizable. It reflects the darkness found in his own head. Twisted. Apocalyptic. Hateful. Bigoted. Filled with fear and distrust and paranoia. It makes me want to cry. Not with pride in country. But with fear that this is our future. Because our country is in crisis, it’s quite easy to sow distrust and fear. This is much easier to do than to attempt to address the issues that are killing our spirit as a country. And literally killing our citizens. And what is the point of all his rhetoric? Four more years of the same. Do you and yours really want that for America?

▶ Created on July 5, 2020 by Debbie

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