Resistbot Petition: FIX, DON’T BREAK

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “I wish that he were a brave and honorable man,” [Kevin McCarthy] Ms Cheney told CNN. “He's clearly trying to cover up what happened. He has an obligation to come forward and we'll get to the truth.” There. That’s out of the way. Liz Cheney has written a boilerplate for most of the congressional GOP, to be cut & pasted ad infinitum. But that’s not the dead horse I’m beating today. Today it’s the continued hysteria over voting rights. America wants them. You do not. As evidenced by continued actions and words. Everything I read outlining the elements of the two bills under consideration seem reasonable and just. Especially since it has been proven time and time again that the last presidential election was one of the best executed ever. During a pandemic. Where efforts to make voting easier (and safer) did just that. And the old retort of the feds trying to take over state elections is just more disingenuous hand-wringing. I read that In fact, the Constitution gives Congress wide latitude to regulate the conduct of federal elections. When left solely to the states, we have seen what happens. Since SCOTUS in 2013 took away federal oversight in the form of preclearance, those states who had a proven history of voting discrimination, which this was designed to prevent, have run backwards in history. Retreating back to the tried and true methods of voter suppression. Why is that a good thing? A thing to reward? To emulate? You should all care about depriving your constituents of trouble-free, safe voting. Creating a democracy-damaging storyline based on a Big Lie, which has never been proven and always been disproven, is not leadership. It is short-sighted corrupted self-interest. American voters shouldn’t have to pay for that with their vote. And if you are afraid of that vote, that should tell you something.

▶ Created on January 13, 2022 by Debbie

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