Resistbot Petition: HAVEN’T WE HAD ENOUGH?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Since my part of Texas is sorely lacking in nearby access to a Covid vaccine, I’m still stuck in my house. Which means I spend too much time looking at my news feed. In between trying to get a vaccination appointment. So my elected officials remain an outlet of frustration. It seems Mr. Trump will take a long time to get out of our heads and out of the headlines. Yesterday’s NYT report outlines yet another failed scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election. “Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark nearly convinced then-President Donald Trump to remove then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and use the Department of Justice to undo Georgia's election results, The New York Times reported Friday. Clark -- who appealed to the former President's false claims of election fraud -- met with Trump earlier this month and told Rosen following the meeting that the then-President was going to replace him with Clark. Clark would then move to keep Congress from certifying the election results in then-President-elect Joe Biden's favor, according to the paper.” I expect this will make as much difference in my senators’ decision to convict Mr. Trump in his upcoming Senate impeachment trial as his incitement to violence at the Capitol on January 6. After all, it didn’t happen so what’s the harm? That’s a perfect defense of the inept. But put ‘attempted’ in front of murder and I’m pretty sure that would still be considered a crime. I remain hopeful that the persistent attempts by a sitting president to subvert the country to his will will lead enough of the Senate to do what’s right by holding Mr. Trump responsible for his actions. And not begin, again, a concerted effort to make excuses for him. He is not the victim. The country is. And yours is the power to make sure this can’t happen again by showing there are consequences for deliberately undermining the government you were elected to serve and protect. If not, have fun with him in 2024. If you won’t protect the country’s best interests maybe you will your own.

▶ Created on January 23, 2021 by Debbie

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