Resistbot Petition: STOP THIS MADNESS! (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m writing to condemn the actions and rhetoric by our Texas leadership concerning the border. You are unleashing hell on our state. All while the GOP in DC tries to kill a conservative-approved border bill in its cradle. The best one offered in 40 years. Instead, the nuts are coming here from all over the country. Encouraged by you. Encouraged by right-wing media figures that don’t have an ounce of resolve to actually come and join the violence they are fomenting. Encouraged by the GOP chaos candidate you have canonized as ‘the one.’ A potential president encouraging civil war and violence against the country he wants to lead. Do you actually want a civil war? Or do you just want to act like you do? I know you understand the impact such violent rhetoric has on folks who are just itching for a fight, and they now see Texas as the place they’re gonna get it. No one in their right mind wants Texit. I want my SS check. I want all the benefits that come from a centralized federal government. I don’t want loose nuts with guns patrolling our borders and calling it defending the citizenry. This is absolute and complete idiocy. And I expect we’ll find out shortly where your lack of leadership takes us. And I’m very afraid there will be blood. And it will all be on your hands.

▶ Created on January 31 by Debbie

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