
An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures

Biden’s Policy on Gaza Made Him A Liability For The Democratic Party. Period.

62 so far! Help us get to 100 signers!

You may never admit this, but Joe Biden became a political liability for the Democratic Party because of his policy on Gaza. Period. The media won't say this. The pundits will talk around it and the party will say it's not the case as not to offend their pro-Israel donors - but they knew that they could not win states like Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and they had lost big chunks of important constituencies like young people, Arab and Muslim voters, and many progressives. The fact that anyone thinks we are going to believe that one dismal debate performance was the reason they pushed Biden out is just ludicrous and unbelievable. We are smarter than you think we are. This is a small win for our movements for justice. This is because of us. For over 9 months, we made our voices heard. We organized, we mobilized, we interrupted and disrupted, we passed ceasefire resolutions, we blasted emails and calls to the White House and to your offices, we testified at local hearings, we occupied Congresspeoples' offices and college campuses, we posted, we made sure no one forgot about the Palestinian people and we were clear that Joe Biden and his Administration were complicit. I don't need anyone to reaffirm what I already know. Joe Biden's legacy will be genocide and I will never, ever forget nor forgive. As for us and this election, we will continue to organize, stay focused on the issues, and push the nominee - Kamala Harris - or whomever is the nominee, on Palestine. No matter what, we will not be silent. And we will not let you rest until Palestine is free. Until all of us are free.

▶ Created on July 24 by BlueCollarJew

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