Resistbot Petition: LIES, HATE & THE GOP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. A brief unsolicited observation from a small-town rural resident. I am 5th generation Texan. My gg-grandfather came to Texas in the 1830s and joined the army of the Republic. He was a member of the Mier Expedition and served time in a Mexican prison for defending the Texas border. My family settled Washington County. And Kimble County. Our roots are deep and I've observed a lot growing up in small town Texas. I've seen a lot of bigotry. But I've seen way more compassion and simple human kindness. Recently our county courthouse was burned down. By a black man. His family is long-time Mason county. In today's climate, how do you think our small town reacted? With fundraisers for his family, because he also burned their house down. With pleas for compassion and civil discourse. With Christian outreach. So when I continue to see how the political party that represents my county and my state, on every level of government, is attempting to use bigotry as a tool to rile people up and to create distrust and hatred, it is despicable. And out-of-touch with most of America. I'm speaking of numerous issues. Voting rights. Border issues. Gun control. Social justice. You may not be bigots but your party sure does play one well on TV. "The party that once championed lower taxes, smaller government, states’ rights and a strong national defense now has more in common with anti-democratic regimes and racist-nationalist political movements around the world than with America’s avowed ideals of democracy, rule of law and human rights. Donald Trump isn’t single-handedly responsible for this, but he demonstrated to the GOP the political potency of bigotry and the GOP has taken him up on it." The constituents you should align yourself with should be the better angels of our nature. Not the cesspool of baser instincts. It's definitely a nicer place to be.

▶ Created on March 28, 2021 by Debbie

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