Resistbot Petition: Stop the fossil fuel industry’s planned expansion of fracked gas exports!

An open letter to the President

Stop the fossil fuel industry’s planned expansion of fracked gas exports!

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President Biden, I’m writing to beg you to be a climate leader and withdraw ALL support for expanded gas exports. You’ve laid out an ambitious agenda for climate action and environmental justice, and taken important steps toward making that vision a reality. But allowing the industry to move forward with its massive planned expansion of fracked gas exports from the Gulf Coast would be completely inconsistent with these commitments. The International Energy Agency’s latest World Energy Outlook made it clear that achieving your climate goals and averting the worst impacts of the climate crisis means putting an immediate stop to the expansion of fossil fuel development. The fossil fuel industry wants to dramatically expand exports of fracked gas to overseas markets, and this expansion would lock in decades of fossil fuel use at a time when we need to be rapidly transitioning to a clean energy economy instead. Gas export facilities also pose a serious threat to nearby communities, usually communities of color who are already overburdened by industrial pollution and the effect of fossil-fueled climate change. The last thing these communities need is more fossil fuel infrastructure in their backyards, and an administration committed to environmental justice cannot allow these projects to move forward. I urge you to protect our communities and climate by doing everything in your power to stop the fossil fuel industry’s planned expansion of fracked gas exports.

▶ Created on May 10, 2022 by Jess Craven

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