Resistbot Petition: KOSA is a danger to freedom of speech - vote NO!

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

KOSA is a danger to freedom of speech - vote NO!

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I hope this finds you well. I am one of your constituents and I am writing to say that you must stand firm in opposition to KOSA. Not only is it not the correct way to manage the internet, it will set a truly dangerous precedent that defies that 1st Amendment and hands all power of speech over to whatever person is currently in power. By passing the ability to censor to the FTC, anyone can influence the silencing of voices on a whim. We saw what Donald Trump was capable of and what the Republicans want to do with the power to control speech. Additionally, Marsha Blackburn has already stated this bill is not to protect children but to censor and silence the LGBTQ+ community - a community that my friends and family are part of. I do not and will not stand for any sort of legislation that will be weaponized. There is no "maybe" here. This would be used against all minorities or anyone the right deems to be unworthy of free speech. Do not let this pass. Do not ever let anything like this pass.

▶ Created on February 16 by Jake

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