Resistbot Petition: Pass legislation prohibiting MOCs from owning or trading individual stocks!

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Pass legislation prohibiting MOCs from owning or trading individual stocks!

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I’m writing to urge Congress to move expeditiously to advance legislation prohibiting members of Congress from owning or trading individual stocks, bonds or other similar financial investments. We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. The steady stream of revelations that members of Congress have repeatedly flouted basic inancial conflict of interest laws have contributed to a precipitous decline in public trust in our institutions, which is now at the lowest level since Gallup began polling the questions in 1979. I urge you to lead the way in passing these common sense, popular policies to ensure that members of Congress act in the interest of the people they serve, rather than their own financial interest. I understand that, following months of negotiation, Congress has been making progress on compromise legislation to implement this overwhelmingly popular policy. I hope that this legislation will include the three principle policies reform groups have been calling for: first, that the legislation prohibits members of Congress from owning or trading any individual stocks or other similar financial assets, except widely held investment funds; second, that the legislation apply to members’ spouses and dependent children; and third, that the legislation include a clear enforcement mechanism that will serve as a functional deterrent. The November elections loom. Each day that passes increases the chance that Congress will not have time to take up and pass this legislation. That must not happen. The American people widely support these policies across partisan lines, and are calling on Congress to act. Your colleagues have developed multiple strong proposals, and it appears likely that both chambers can produce a strong, bipartisan bill. Pass it! This cannot wait any longer – the American people deserve to know that the needs of the public, not members of Congress’s stock portfolios, come first. Thanks.

▶ Created on September 23, 2022 by Jess Craven

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