An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Fascinating. Watching today’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been unbelievable. Watching the real-time attempt to overthrow a functioning democracy is beyond distressing. At the same time, watching a clip of Fox’s favorite son Tucker Carlson rhapsodize about Putin on his show being rebroadcast on RT, the propaganda network of the Kremlin, is nauseating. Wow. What’s happening to America? I think the mythological commies of the 20s and 50s America are back for real this time. And they have their own network. Because we also got to see your favorite president continue on with his love odes to Mr. Putin as well. Although his stream-of-consciousness is a bit hard to follow at times, we always get the gist. It’s sad for our country that we can’t put on a united front for anything, regardless of the severity of the challenge. When half the country thinks we need to be like Russia, what’s to become of us? If folks don’t wake up and see the parallels between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin in their need for adulation and power, regardless of the dangers to the countries they are supposed to lead, when an American president wishes to be like a dictator because he thinks he’s a ‘genius’ for invading a sovereign country, we really don’t deserve the America our forefathers envisioned. We will be unworthy of their great vision. And no longer a world leader to be emulated. Y’all need to choose your allegiance carefully going forward. America is counting on you.

▶ Created on February 25, 2022 by Debbie

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