Resistbot Petition: Congress needs to investigate the Ticketmaster-Live Nation monopoly!

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Congress needs to investigate the Ticketmaster-Live Nation monopoly!

115 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!

I’m writing to urge Congress to investigate the Ticketmaster-Live Nation monopoly. The 2010 Ticketmaster-Live Nation merger allowed the ticketing behemoth to clinch a 70% share of the live ticketing market, harming performers and concert-goers alike. Now, Congress must investigate the corporation for potential violations of antitrust law. Ticketmaster-Live Nation has become, in John Oliver’s words, “one of the most hated companies on earth.” The corporation charges exorbitant fees, which supposedly go to “other parties” but in fact sometimes go to Ticketmaster-Live Nation itself. And the company’s lax security practices enable bots to snap up all available tickets and sell them at a premium, jacking up costs to consumers even further. In short, the Ticketmaster-Live Nation  monopoly forces us to pay a lot of money to a lot of people who do not contribute anything to the actual show that we’re paying to see. Consumers, performers, and venues need protection from Ticketmaster-Live Nation’s abuse. It’s time for the U.S. government to reverse the disastrous Ticketmaster-Live Nation merger! Thanks.

▶ Created on November 18, 2022 by Jess Craven

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