An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Texas to receive $3.3 billion in federal funds to boost broadband expansion efforts, the most of any state. Fantastic! This effort is being compared to the federal effort in the late 30s to get electricity to rural areas of America. Because as we all know, internet access is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity. Populations without access to the modern world will not progress, will not keep up, will wither. This is so important to help keep America on the forefront of progress on the world stage. Progress is power. I live in a small town. There are areas around me where there is no cell service. Where the internet does not go. Or maybe folks still use dial-up modems? Luckily we have a library where those who have no other option can go to use services. And of course the further west you go from my town, the more nonexistent the service is. So I’m hoping some of this money will go to areas such as mine. Because our town leaders don’t have the luxury of ‘just say no’ when it comes to progress for their constituents. They see it as an opportunity. Not a political point. Too bad both my Texas Senators and my House Rep voted against it. Voted against Texas’ and America’s best interest. Again. I would have loved to write you a big THANK YOU. Maybe next time.

▶ Created on June 27, 2023 by Debbie

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