Resistbot Petition: FOR REAL?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I write to my elected officials because not only should you hear from ALL your constituents, but it also lets me vent, and even makes me believe I’m participating in democracy. Today I’m particularly riled at the communication received below from my Rep. August Pfluger: “Yesterday, new data from the CDC found that the U.S. is now averaging more COVID-19 cases per day than at any other point in the pandemic. Federal data shows the nation is now reporting an average of more than 277,000 new cases a day, shattering last January's record of 250,000 cases per day.  President Biden is unable to control this pandemic. His vaccine mandate, his shut down of our country, and his federal mandates are not effective in combatting COVID-19. Instead, his policies are leading to spikes of inflation, huge supply chain issues, and increased strain on frontline workers.  Let me know what you think. Are President Biden's policies effectively handling the COVID-19 pandemic?” For real? Am I the only one who laughed out loud while reading this ode to irony? Yours is the party who has single-handedly contributed to making people doubt the vaccine. You have sown misinformation. Distrust. You have turned a miracle of science, which has proven to overwhelmingly save lives, into a political tool that you continue to use to ‘own the libs.’ Even President Trump, who pushed the vaccine process through in record speed, managed to step all over this positive part of his legacy by seemingly equating efforts to combat the pandemic as being weak. The disinformation started at the top. And y’all turned it into politics that are far and away killing your own GOP constituents. So that’s why I say irony. You created the distrust, in the name of personal freedom. Your people aren’t getting vaccinated. Your people are dying. From Covid. Whether they choose to believe it or not. So Rep. Pfluger, save your disingenuous effort to try and divert blame to the Biden administration. When they took office they found there was NO plan to distribute vaccine on the federal level. NO plan. The Trump administration was simply going to turn it over to the states to do with what they would. Can you imagine what that would have looked like? So please keep the false outrage and misdirected blame. It’s as phony as your core beliefs these days. America is roaring back. If y’all would only get out of the way. P.S. as far as “increased strain on frontline workers” goes, try talking to anyone who works in an ER, like my son, who would tell you that overwhelmingly the folks admitted and dying from Covid are unvaccinated. Which political party do you think they might belong to?

▶ Created on December 31, 2021 by Debbie

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