This past week, the Vice President of the United States told our ally, Germany - yes, GERMANY - to stop censoring and to recognize the AfD, the Alternative for Germany, an organization that reveres Hitler and embraces NAZI ideology. When I think of my own ancestors who died to fight this idea, of the millions upon millions who suffered horribly as a result of this kind of thinking, and of the huge humanitarian organizations formed to ensure it never happens again, I am in stunned disbelief. A United States VICE PRESIDENT says this in Munich to our allies, and a United States Senator, sworn to uphold the Constitution, says absolutely nothing about it. The graves of our veteran ancestors are screaming, Senator, with outrage, and for you not to denounce this is a total dereliction of your duty. Besides being precipitously dangerous for the world, this is an incredible insult to the memory of millions of departed souls. Shame on your silence.