Resistbot Petition: Regarding SB7 (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)

Regarding SB7

3 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!

The final vote on a GOP anti-voter bill, SB7 is upcoming. It - suppresses the vote, - restricts ability of counties to send mail-in ballots to voters, & could allow poll watchers to videotape voters. If this vote passes you will lose some bipartisan votes forever. Some corporations will leave Texas, just like in Georgia. And if you're scared of the power of people like Stacey Abrams? Know there are hundreds of mini-versions of her in Texas who are Republicans AND Democrats who are ready for you to go too far. Republicans are already losing ground in Texas due to messing with mail-in ballots. So you will be both sabotaging yourselves and ensuring us swinging into action. You will not be able to unring that bell. Fight fair with us. At least then you have a chance at winning. Vote no. Do not pass SB7. For all our sakes.

▶ Created on May 17, 2021 by Everywhere Accessible

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