An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. After reading all three parts of today’s WaPo extensive reporting on the Before, During, and After events leading up to January 6, 2020 I have several reactions. One, the Post deserves a Pulitzer. They have done what all of our elected officials combined have failed so far to do, which is to hunt down in excruciating detail the forces at work to destroy our democracy. To show the sequence of failures that allowed violence to organize. To give voice to the many acts of bravery that saved us all that day. And to shed light on those who do not deserve to call themselves patriotic Americans. Two, that all of the Republicans in positions of public trust, elected to serve the country before their constituents, who continue to spread lies that they know to be lies, all to keep in the good graces of a man responsible for actively, purposely, intently, trying to bend America to his ego, do not deserve to be anywhere near public service. If that is you, you are a danger to the country. You continue to aid and abet a disgraceful pursuit of illegitimate power by one man. You gave, you give, and you would give him again, power. And that makes you dangerous. You do not attempt to right the wrongs he has done to us. You know he has lied to his supporters. You laugh at him behind closed doors. But bend the knee every single time. You threw the country under the bus as you disavow the actions of January 6. As you now make light of the danger you and others were in that day. As you switch from a true, righteous outrage over those events, to downplaying it all, wanting to move on, get over it, nothing to see here. You have been corrupted. I only hope that our country is still able to discern right from wrong and that somehow, some way right will prevail at the ballot box, even as you do your level best to squelch what the reality-based citizens of America actually want…a reckoning for the damage you’ve allowed to happen to us. And if you feel wronged by my analysis, that that is not you, prove it. Words do damage. Actions can fix it.

▶ Created on November 1, 2021 by Debbie

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