An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Even though you’re out of the office, again, life goes on. We’re still watching Ukraine losing blood-soaked ground because y’all are out of the office, again. Russia is gearing up for a bombing campaign we read. Gearing up because Putin is reading the writing on the wall. The writing that says a small minority of what we’re ironically calling the Republican Party is trying to rewrite American democracy for the rest of us. While screaming it’s all in the name of fiscal responsibility. Ha. It’s more than obvious they are following the lead of one man. And this one man and his chihuahuas in the House are bullying one other man to do his bidding. His bidding that basically says kill Ukraine, let Putin have what he wants. Because that’s the way to get me back in the White House and save America. Today, U.S. air defense systems keep Russian bombers out of the sky and allow Ukrainian forces to shoot down Russia’s drones and missiles. But if Ukraine runs out of missile defense interceptors, Russian planes will be able to bomb Ukrainian front-line positions with impunity. They will also be able to attack Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, plunging Ukrainian cities into darkness and crippling the nation’s economy. Then, they will almost certainly start carpet-bombing Ukrainian cities, forcing Ukraine to use its dwindling supply of interceptors to defend its civilian population and leaving its front lines exposed. And all Putin has to do is wait. While we dither and cat fight. And y’all are out of the office. Just today, more than a million people in Ukraine lost power after a sweeping Russian attack on the country’s electrical grid. When the bombs start falling on Kyiv, when Americans start seeing what our Congress is tacitly helping achieve, all the crying about fiscal responsibility will finally seem what it is…capitulation. “In Ukraine, there are no U.S. troops in harm’s way. Republicans would have abandoned Ukraine not to save American lives but to save money. That might not be as popular a decision as they think when Americans are seeing the lifeless bodies of Ukrainian women and children on their televisions.” So enjoy your spring break. And revel in your fiscal responsibility. While bombs start falling on Ukraine.

▶ Created on March 23 by Debbie

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