Resistbot Petition: BUTT OUT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. These days are spent mostly shrugging shoulders with an occasional snort of disbelief at what passes for GOP leadership. It’s more of an annoying clown show than something that keeps me up at night. However. There is one underlying persistent chronic issue that causes much more than an eye roll. The persistent unrelenting effort to go against the majority of America by continuing efforts to remove women’s bodily autonomy. Not satisfied with simply overturning Roe v Wade, now the torch-bearing villagers are coming for any other method women might have available to control their own lives outside of abortion. Have you never heard the basic definition of insanity? Doubling down on a fever dream doesn’t make it any more likely to succeed. The reverse is happening. With every day that another woman has to confront the damage caused by GOP legislation, more citizens are seeing the result of your party’s actions. Every day brings more citizens over to the side of demanding the personal freedom y’all are always going on about. WaPo today: “A recent Gallup survey shows that Americans are increasingly frustrated with U.S. abortion policy. “The record-high 69% of U.S. adults dissatisfied with abortion laws includes 46% who prefer that these laws be made less strict, marking a 16-percentage-point jump in this sentiment since January 2022,” the poll reports. “In addition, 15% of Americans are dissatisfied and favor stricter laws, and 8% are dissatisfied but want them to stay the same.” Likewise, an NPR-Ipsos poll in January found that 3 out of 5 Americans want abortion legal in all or most cases. The overwhelming sentiment is that government should “butt out,” as one respondent told the pollsters.” Butt out indeed. Wise words. Did Republicans pay any attention to the messages that voters sent them last November? It sure appears not. But that’s okay. If y’all think being bludgeoned with your actions on this issue is a winning strategy in 2024, good luck. You do nothing but strengthen the Democrats. Add book burning, drag shows, LGTBQ, ‘woke’ eradication, education stifling, immigration hating, guns everywhere always and forever, etc etc etc, and you’ve got a cornucopia of no good bad ideas for America brewing. Oh and the ever-popular attacks on Social Security and Medicare. Y’all are bad at listening.

▶ Created on February 15, 2023 by Debbie

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