An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. In observance of Memorial Day, which is our solemn, important, and a necessary observation of the ultimate sacrifice by generations of Americans to protect our country and way of life, I add my inadequate thanks to all who gave their all. Literally all. It’s just a shame that we have an administration who does not have that same respect and reverence for lives lost in a pursuit higher than one’s own selfish wants and needs. I’m speaking of the recent scary musings by Mr. Trump about pulling out of the Open Skies Treaty. Only someone who has spent his life avoiding either military service or responsibility for any of his misguided actions would be so cavalier about nuclear weapons. This is the ultimate worse-case scenario. I guess we all knew it would come to this one day. He’s run out of other options for so effectively destroying the planet. I won’t go into all the vested interests involved with such musings, I expect you know better than I. Although it is obvious to most anyone paying attention that Russia is no doubt dancing with glee. They have their dream President. The American people, not so much. Anyway, my hope for our national day of reverence for our military is that someone will take the bazooka away from the baby. Just because he CAN use it doesn’t mean he SHOULD. Or at least please hide the nuclear codes.

▶ Created on May 23, 2020 by Debbie

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