An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Wow. An actual 38-page PowerPoint briefing on how to overthrow a presidential election. Revealed to the January 6 committee by the ex-president’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. That he now has decided he doesn’t want to talk about. The PowerPoint presented three ways for then–VP Mike Pence to overturn Biden’s election and hand the presidency back to Trump. Pence could simply seat the slates of electors Trump supporters had organized to replace the official slates certified by the states. Pence could insist on rejecting all electronic ballots. Or Pence could delay the counting of the ballots long enough to throw the election into the House of Representatives, where each state gets one vote. Since there were more Republican-dominated states than Democratic-dominated states, Trump would be reelected. Then there’s the ongoing efforts by John Eastman and other Trump ‘lieutenants’ working their own strategies to ‘legally’ overthrow the election. On January 4, Trump called Pence to the Oval Office to pressure him. Eastman presented his case to Pence; Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short; and Pence’s legal counsel, Greg Jacob. On that day, someone presented that PowerPoint to a number of Republican senators and members of the House.  Apparently, none of the people briefed called the attention of the FBI to the coming attempt to overturn the election. (I expect we’ll be seeing a list of those folks eventually. I’d be really nervous if I was them.) What more is the GOP Congress gonna need before they can muster some concern for the country? Some outrage? Some patriotism? Y’all better wake up and smell the insurrection you’ve been trying to ignore.

▶ Created on December 12, 2021 by Debbie

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